This sweet and vivid bouquet contains a combination of white alstroemeria, pink peonies, white veronica and aralia leaves gently tight with pink satin ribbon. It will stands perfectly in the hands of every bride!
This arrangement contains the following flowers:
- White alstroemeria
- Pink peonies
- White veronica
- Aralia leaves
In love with this bouquet? Check out the full collection HERE
Couldn't believe my eyes! Fresh and fragrant flowers, arranged perfectly for the wedding. Couldn't have asked for a more beautiful bouquet!
It was a love from first sight, the bouquet was fantastic!
Loved every single detail of the arrangement and I'm usually very picky. Totally awesome job. Say thanks to your florists!
Divine arrangement!
All of the guests were really impressed by my bridal bouquet. My husband also liked it very much and he is usually not into flowers. Thank you!
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